€99,00 EUR
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A super versatile, neo-retro finger-played bass – that delivers everything from crispy modern punch, dirty growl, wah leads to muted warmth.
Type: Kontakt Free Player
* A hard velocity has a shorter amount of sound before the first peak than a soft velocity because the finger movement speed is different, and different type of articulations can can also have different length of this 'pre-attack' – ex. A thumb attack will have little 'pre-attack' whereas a pluck or a pick-scrape will be very long. So when you cut all the samples to make the peaks arrive at same time, you get the problem that there will be an 'audio-hole' between 2 notes - if you play ex. a soft note followed by a hard note. We compensate for this with a very advanced system that took several years of experiments and development.
** Before a new note is played you need to press the string down over the fret while picking the note with your right hand. This produces a special attack sound. Also when you play 1-3 semi-tone intervals up/down in legato-style (no overlap) strings produces particular noises as string has to be pressed or released while playing the note.
*** This ensures correct string selection even if the chord notes don't arrive at exactly the same time, and that the base note of a chord is played with index finger while the other notes are played with middle finger samples.
**** It is not completely random because it is intelligent enough to take into account on which strings/frets and for which velocities pickup hits are most likely to occur.
**** It is not completely random because it is based on a percentage decided on Settings page.
This is a Kontakt Player instrument.
This means that you do not need to own the full version of NI Kontakt to use it.
It will run as a plug-in instrument in any VST/AU/RTAS/AAX/WASAPI, compatible host program or DAW
eg: Cubase, Logic, Ableton Live, DP, Reaper, Pro-Tools. No extra purchase necessary.System Requirements:
Intel Macs (i5 or higher): macOS 11, 12 or 13 (latest update)
Apple Silicon Macs (via Rosetta 2 & natively on ARM in Standalone or in hosts that support it): macOS 11, 12 or 13 (latest update)
Windows 10 or 11 (latest Service Pack), Intel Core i5 or equivalent CPU, 2 GB RAM
Graphics hardware support for Direct 3D 11.1 (Feature Level 11_0) or higher
4 GB RAM (6 GB recommended for large KONTAKT Instruments).