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Contact Us

Reach us by email any time! We will be in touch as soon as possible.

Our official support hours are Monday through Friday, 9AM to 5PM (9.00-17.00) Central European Time (CET).

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Not receiving download links, order links or other emails?

If you can't find our emails for some reason:

1) Check your spam folder

2) Use Tidio chat on our site to send a message.

3) Send us a Messenger message on Scarbee Facebook Page 


IMPORTANT: Native Instruments takes care of ALL support of SCARBEE products released by them – including all issues with registering Komplete, Komplete Ultimate and Maschine. So this is your first stop. Please start out by contacting NI Support.

Troubleshoot and fix issues with SCARBEE products

Please check for updates, the manual, and our FAQ before contacting our product experts. If contacting us with a tech support issue, remember to include your system details and any other relevant info, such as any error messages you may be getting. Please first read the manual.pdf of the product in question before contacting us.