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October 17, 2023
October 17, 2023
October 17, 2023
SCARBEE SUN BASS – FINGER is our 'bass masterpiece'. It's equipped with advanced programming and scripting that automatically handles a lot of the technical work for you.
My colleague, Nils Liberg, an expert in Kontakt scripting, and myself, Thomas Hansen Skarbye, have dedicated numerous years to developing a comprehensive framework for our bass libraries. Our mission was to tackle and solve some of the most challenging issues encountered with virtual instruments. Users of ex. Classical instrument VSTi's have had to struggle with these issues (like having individual negative track delays for not just to get each articulation arrive in same time - but also to control the timing of different dynamics/velocity) - and Im not sure any other developer has been able to solve these annoying challenges. Our first complicated task was:
Automated timing correction of attacks with compensated 'ends' to fill out the 'audio holes':
Our research initially targeted the development of Slap Bass libraries, where techniques like thumbing, plucking, and both upstroke and downstroke with a nail introduce a variety of pre-attack lengths. This groundwork lays the foundation for simplified MIDI programming of these diverse bass lines, including the seamless transition between soft and hard notes.
Without having the various attack peaks consistent - you will have to move the MIDI notes for each articulation manually - making it virtually impossible to change tempo or use groove templates and swing quantization as you will have to re-adjust everything.
A hard velocity has a shorter amount of sound before the first peak than a soft velocity because the finger movement speed is different, and different type of articulations can can also have different length of this 'pre-attack' – ex. A thumb attack will have little 'pre-attack' whereas a pluck or a pick-scrape will be very long. So if you cut all the samples so that the first large peak arrive at the same time for all the samples (so you can avoid having different negative track delay for each articulation type), you get the problem that there will be an 'audio-hole' (silence) between 2 succesive notes:
Let’s say you cut the samples so that the first peak is exactly 50 ms from the sample start point.
If you play ex. a soft note with an audible 50 ms pre-attack followed by a hard note with a 5 ms audible pre-attack + 45 ms silence - you will get and audio hole of 45 ms between the notes. The solution is to fill out the holes by delaying the note-off of the first note based on the audible pre-attack length of the second note. However it turned out to be far more complexed than we first thought as you can end up in situations where a NOTE ON begins before the NOTE OFF ends. That took more than a year of experiments and development to come up with a solution that actually worked.
Automated phase correction when combining articulations:
When you ex. combine a sustained sample with a whole-note pull-off 'tail' sample (cut at the original recorded transition point), you will only get a smooth, lifelike transition if the phase is 100% correct. If you check this by using a lowpass filter you will hear that the note is 'bending' - like if you used a Pitch-bend on th sustained sample. However if the phase is not correct you will instead hear two notes playing after each other. What we discovered was that even imperfect phase of a single ms would create problems.
First we tried to solve it by introducing advanced EQ envelopes to filter away the 'bumps' at the transitions - but the problem was that while it could fix certain bad transitions - it would at the same time destroy the good transitions. What affected the transition was different 'legato-tail' samples starting on different phase position + the time/length of the previous note. So while we could match a perfect phase in an 1/16 note pull-off in tempo 120 - we would get phase-collision if tempo was 119.9...
Since we also recorded vibrating strings we had to compensate for varying pitch and cycle lengths. And we even compensate for the use of Pitch-wheel and modulations - that also affects the phase.
So solution to this was to scan the phase of all samples and then create a system where the Kontakt script knows the exact position of the phase of any sample played - at any time. Then the script automatically moves the second note forward to make a perfect phase. A big challenge was the legato samples as they would consist of 3 parts: the source note, the transition and the target note. All 3 parts would have different phase and we would have to exactly predict the where in the phase cycle our new transition point would appear.
automated timing correction of hammer-ons, pull-offs and short slides up/down - after phase is corrected:
As we solved the first phase issue we realised that we would get a timing issue instead as the legato articulations would not be moved forward in same time. Ex the deep notes could have a phase-cycle that was larger than 30 ms and high notes cycles could be less than 1 ms.
And depending on the position of the first notes phase - the legato note could be moved any ms value. Ex if a sustained note (or any legato articulation used as the attack note) with a 30 ms cycle ended halfway - the next note would have to move 15 ms. If cycle ended 1 ms after start - the next note would have to move 29 ms, etc.
So we had to come up with a system that would compensate for the disturbed timing - meaning that whenever a legato-sample was moved in time - it would be moved back to correct timing. Now how is that possible? Wouldn’t that mean that phase would be bad again? Yes. But not if we created a timing 'headroom' where we could move the transition imperfect phase...
And this is what we did. We measured the natural timing arrival of ex a 1/16 hammer-on and then created timing compensations for all types of articulations. Ex a semi-tone slide has a shorter transition than a whole-note slide so if both samples are cut at the beginning of the transition - the arrival of the target pitch will be different. And that had to be compensated.
So months we were experimenting with time and phase - giving up many times… and then we got obsessed and solved it.
December 20, 2022
November 07, 2022
September 26, 2022
I recently have been enjoying playing around with Midjourney AI art app. It's very interesting trying to communicate with an AI. Scarbee was originally an offspring of my interest for visual FX. From the very first computer and console games this has caught my interest - and not surprisingly one of my sons - Victor Hansen Skarbye have taken an education as a 3D FX artist and now works for the Mill in London.
This is my cute little alien in love with flowers....
You can see more of my recent work on Instagram.
September 23, 2022
Ever since I created my first Scarbee virtual instrument in 1999 they have been artistic experiments - much like an artist who create life-like grass, human bodies or hyper-realistic drawings. I wanted to see how close I could mimic reality and wanted users to experience the magic - and use the magic in their music.
The money and the business has always - and will always just be a mean to make it possible for me to continue creating new stuff - as this is a part of my DNA.
Its not without challenges to have your company based on the mind of an artist - it gets problematic when you partner op with someone who wants to dictate what you can create - or keep on denying you to do things you want to do. I once read a book about the artist Tony Matelli - and some of his emails to the art gallery that made his money was very close to the emails that I have sent to my partners over time. It's the same issues that have bothered Prince, George Michael and many other artists through history.
"When money walks in - God leaves the room..." - people focused on earning money have little understanding of an artistic mind. They do not realise that you need to follow your instinct - even if these different creations function as a "resting" of "purification" period in order to return to previous styles and lift them a level up.
This is how we work. To tell people to "look at the market" and give people what they want - is not how it works. Sometimes you get lucky and get successful with stuff you love - but that's not the same. The point is that its poison to be caged, shelved and instructed to do something just to make money.
I will continue to create stuff that I love - and hope it will be useful for you.
The "Diamond Sculpture and Volcano inside a Diamond" is my creation - using Midjourney AI app.
September 20, 2022
September 07, 2022
November 18, 2021
May 15, 2020
May 11, 2020