Aren't we all looking for the Holy Grail of Plugins all the time? We seem to believe that all new trends - are good. But sometimes life is not like that. In the last many years we have seen music software companies turning into Super Markets spamming the music community with products that are not always of the best quality. The concept has been that you must offer all kinds of instruments: bass, drums, keyboards, percussion, piano, strings, orchestral stuff, synths etc.
It wasn't always like that. When SCARBEE started the developers created instrument types - stuff they were expert in. But now traffic are driven to big sale machines and it's getting harder "to be hard".
We hope you will support our company and buy directly from our shop. We will finally release new products in the end of the year - things we have been working on for more than 5 years.
We see ourselves as artists - not business men. So as Miles Davis said: "If you have nothing to say - don't play"... This is why we have cancelled releases that were not of our standard - hence waiting for something good to be delivered. We will soon play.